Farmer Trainings
Welcome to Solid Ground Farmer Trainings, a program of UConn CAHNR Extension. We are so excited to be offering another season of trainings including our Agro-Ecology and Ag-Mechanics trainings! Find out more information about learning opportunities below. Please note: These trainings are intended for production farmers in Connecticut, if you have a a hobby farm or are gardening, please reference this other wonderful UConn Extension program here: https://homegarden.cahnr.uconn.edu/
See our previous trainings. See what kind of topics we cover and get an idea of what we do.
If you have suggestions as to what kind of trainings you would like to see, please email our communications staff.
Join our email list, so you can be updated on trainings we are presenting in the state
Ag Mechanics Trainings
Title of class: Intermediate Chainsaw Course
Date: March 29th, 2025
Time: 9am-3pm
Location: Manfield Center Forests, exact location TBD
Max Number of participants: 10
Description of class:
Level up your chainsaw skills with this intermediate class. The course will cover additional felling practice, limbing and bucking plans, springpoles and other post-felling hazards. We will also cover some maintenance tasks. (Lunch will be provided)
Link to Registration: s.uconn.edu/intermediatechainsaw
Title of class: Walk-Behind Tractor Safety & Use
Date: 4/9/2025
Time: 9am-3pm
Location: River Ridge Farm, 12 Payne Blvd, Portland, CT 06480
Max. number of participants: 12
Description of class:
BCS / Walk Behind Tractor Training - Interested in scaling up and incorporating a walk behind tractor into your farming operation? Come learn about both BCS and Grillo walk-behind tractors. We’ll cover how it can be used on the farm, safe operation, and practice attaching different implements. (Lunch will be provided)
Link to Registration: https://s.uconn.edu/sgwalkbehind
Please contact us if cost is prohibitive and we will work with you to make this affordable
Please contact us 2 weeks in advance with special needs (dietary, translation, accessibility, etc.) We'll do our best to accommodate you.
FOR ALL WORKSHOPS THAT INCLUDE TRAVEL: If the cost is prohibitive, Travel Stipends will be made available to participants at any event where travel is required to attend
Please do not attend if you are not feeling well - you will receive a refund.