BF 104: Soil Health & Management.pdf
Trainer – Kip Kolesinskas, Land Use and Conservation Specialist, UConn Extension
Soils are the basis for any farm’s success. Participants will learn the basic soil science principles that are important to maintaining healthy soils. They will develop knowledge about soil health and the common conservation practices used to manage them for profitability and ecological sustainability. Guidance on soil testing and reading soil tests will also be provided.
BF 105: Fruit Production for Small Scale Farming.pdf
Trainer – Mary Concklin, Fruit Crops Specialist and Integrated Pest Management Educator, UConn Extension
This course will focus on small fruit and will cover site selection and preparation, soil requirements for various fruits, varieties, planting and care, support systems for brambles, extending the season, proper harvesting, and integrated pest management for select insects and diseases.
BF 106: Vegetable Production for Small Scale Farming
Trainer -Jude Boucher and Matthew DeBacco, Vegetable Consultant
This course will focus on the basics for soil testing and soil health, cover crops, choosing crops to grow, field preparation, season extension, an equipment wish list, marketing, weed management options, diagnostics for plant problems, disease management, insect management and pesticide application. We will cover some annual pest problems for several common vegetable crops.
BF 250: Climate Change & Adaptation Strategies
Trainer - Kip Kolesinskas, Land Use and Conservation Specialist, UConn Extension
This course will help attendees increase their knowledge about the impacts to agriculture from climate change, and help them develop potential strategies for adaptation and mitigation. Current examples and techniques being used will be discussed, including soil management practices, cropping plans, and the use of technology. Participants will have also have the opportunity to share their own experiences, to do a self assessment of their risk, and learn about State and Federal programs that can help succeed in a changing and unpredictable climate. Opportunities that will develop from these changes will also be explored.
Online Training
BF 250: Climate Change & Adaptation Strategies
Other Helpful Online Tutorials
Still Confused? Produce Safety Rule Explained - Presented by Diane Hirsch, UConn Extension Food Safety Specialist